Sunday, January 30, 2011

Welcome Back, Welcome Back, Welcome Back

Sorry folks for the long hiatus from the blog. I got caught up in *studying* and work and life. I also probably went out too hard - posting every day. I'm going to start posting again, but probably once or twice a week. Or whenever I have something interesting to say. Keeping up a blog took much more time than I had expected and suddenly it was taking too much time, but instead of scaling back I just stopped.

Moderation - that's one of my words for 2011. 

Now, on to my post for today:

I've decided that one of my 2011 (re)solutions is to give more of my money away. I like fancying myself a benefactor of the arts and supporter of the cause. Obviously, my work is devoted to my causes, but I want to put some of my money where my mouth is. And, since I am a poor poor non-profit worker bee, it's more of a sacrifice and thus I want to examine how wealth, money and the pursuit of it factor into my life during 2011. 

The first thing I want to draw your attention to is Kickstarter - a relatively new website where artists look for funders for their projects. 

Kickstarter is a new way to fund creative ideas and ambitious endeavors.
We believe that:
• A good idea, communicated well, can spread fast and wide. 
• A large group of people can be a tremendous source of money and encouragement.
Kickstarter is powered by a unique all-or-nothing funding method where projects must be fully-funded or no money changes hands.
And, my first funding project is: Shakedown - a documentary about the lesbian strip club scene in L.A. Seems like a cool concept, plus I'll get me a DVD if the funding ends up going through.

I think all too often people still believe donating money is only for wealthy people. With the advent of microfinancing and other microfunding opportunities, I think the general sentiment is beginning to change. But, I think its an interesting way for me to begin to contemplate what money means to me.

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