about the blog

we may not be living in a post-racial society, but i'm living in the post-asian girl world of my own making. post-asian because while i'm nothing less than asian, i am more than the sum of my parts - my asianess while defining does not define me. my words will focus on identity politics, but also include general musings about life, relationships and whatever just runs across my mind... yet while still keeping a critical focus on identity politics in general and race and gender in particular.

the blog also seeks to fill a void -- there seems to be a serious lack of asian american women voices online. so, here i am world.

my deepest wishes for this blog is that there are pieces that serve to provoke you to critically challenge previously held perceptions and arms you with some facts, theories and understandings that serve to strengthen your beliefs.

this blog is part of a larger writing project and had originally been an experiment in writing every day. now, it is being transformed into a blog in which i hope to post regularly with interesting, thought-provoking commentary as much as possible. i hope to have readers who follow me, and whom i can follow in return. but the blogs success is measured by my ability to write, sunday through thursday, about things that are important to me and may be important to others. to have a space to be angry/outspoken/depressed/excited/loud/ecstatic all at once.

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