Wednesday, October 6, 2010

and we thought Americans were helicopter parents?

hey beautiful people. just a small comment today building on yesterday's comment about the kid who brought his parent to a grad school fair. last month there was an article in the daily mail about chinese parents who sleep on the floor of the school gym to be close to their children as they begin university. this is not a new practice. for the past five years, universities in china have allowed the parents of new students to sleep on mats in the gym for the first week or so of classes in order to help them get acclimated. huh? crazy right?

i think that i'm often most critical of america for the things we do and the things we've done. but we literally have nothing on china in this case of extreme helicopter parenting. in one of my first posts, i talked about how the idea of different developmental stages changed over time and how some researchers posit that the newest is "young adulthood" a sort of in between stage. in this stage, young adults are still closely linked to their parents (both financially and emotionally) at at time when previous generations would've been married and on their own.

now, if in china parents think its okay to sleep on the university gym floor and in america parents are accompanying their children to thinks like graduate fairs, it begs the question: when do we need to just cut the cord? or do people not see much utility anymore in cutting the mythical cord?

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