Tuesday, October 12, 2010

the women

so just a few reflections before i go to sleep tonight. early today i met with the women for dinner. who are these women and what they mean to me i can not attempt to answer, but i want to put down some of the thoughts that are going through my mind following our dinner.

so, there are four of us. we met while studying civil rights case law under a brillant and inspiring lawyer and woman. collectively, we speak english, spanish, french, italian, hebrew and a little bit of korean (oh and british english). half of us sometimes call a place outside the states our home. we have a teacher, a politico, a business woman fashionista and a lawyer-hopeful. two jews, two gentiles. different races, different economic class backgrounds. brooklyn, manhattan and london (for now). and, frankly, there is no good explanation why we all are such close friends and confidants. and, if it wasn't for the class (or the teacher) we probably would have just passed in and out of each others lives.

but we didn't.

i am over-joyed to call these women my friends and to watch us grow up. earlier i asked "when did we become grown ups?" to have friends who genuinely love and support you is precious. to be inspired by your friends even more rare. they are a gift and here is some small tidbits of our conversation for you:

- the need for demanding business equity in a start-up company
- the recent surprisingly realization of the coming together of womanhood, motherhood and our bodies
- strategic career planning
- anonymity in social networking websites
- the problem of education
- the problem of education
- the problem of education
- how women look more sexy with less skin
- hasidic jewish education
- critical race theory
- age and experience

i've also finally decided to finally completely cut myself off from gossip magazines and blogs. i should pay more attention to my own life. anyways amazing night. not so amazing post. i'm sick and need rest. that's my excuse and i'm sticking to it.


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