Tuesday, September 7, 2010

some updates

i've been trying to update my blog to look a little less elementary. hope it looks better, though I know it's super text-heavy. i just guess i have a lot more to say than curate.

i'm considering doing podcasts every now and then (maybe monthly?). but i would love a to have collaborators, please contact me if you are remotely interested.

finally, please check out my list of "words from my people" -- blogs written by my friends and fam. let's support each other.


UPDATE: also, have decided that i'll give commentary to each book that i read. created another page to aggregate all future commentary called "reading list." 


  1. Heyheyhey Leda! Long time no talk! I just came across your blog and it looks interesting. Not to sound vain but I blog myself! And I'm kind of intrigued by your idea of podcasts...hit me up when you're free with more info. And consider me an official follower!

  2. hey girl, ima add you to my "words from my people" section. and def add you to my google reader as well. i love finding out when friends blog - not vain at all. let's def. get together and come up with some podcast ideas. i'll shoot you an email soon!
